Our Meetings
Club Meetings – Gathering Together
Soroptimist International of Saratoga County (SISC) meets every second Wednesday, September through June* at the Holiday Inn, 232 Broadway (Route 9), Saratoga Springs, NY. Social hour begins at 6:30 PM with the dinner service at 7:00 PM and the club meeting at 7:30 PM. A zoom link is available for members unable to attend in person.
Guests are always welcomed to the monthly club meetings. A member must provide the names of all of her guests, as well as their meal preferences, using the on-line ” Monthly Dinner Attendance Poll” by the designated date and time each month. Each dinner is $38.00 per person. Payment for meals must be made by check or credit card.

Board Meetings – directing the future
The Board of Directors meets every fourth Wednesday at 6:30 PM during the club calendar year (September – June). Any Soroptimist member is welcome to attend board meetings in person or through a Zoom link.
Meeting locations change from time to time, so please contact our current club president at soroptimistsaratoga@gmail.com at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting if you plan on attending or if you would like to be included on the agenda.
How we empower women & girls
Live Your Dream Award
Soroptimist's Live Your Dream Awards program is a unique education award for women who provide the primary financial support for their families. The Live Your Dream Awards give women the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects.
Dream IT BE IT
Career Support for Girls.
Gives girls the tools they need to achieve their education and career goals.