What We Do
What We Do
In keeping with its mission, our chapter has focused on helping hundreds of women and girls living in challenging circumstances through our signature programs:
- Hope and Power, an eight-week program to help women achieve their financial and legal independence, provided in collaboration with Wellspring, the nonprofit organization dedicated to domestic violence prevention and victim assistance in Saratoga County.
- Dream It Be It, a confidence-building and career-planning seminar for high school girls facing obstacles to success.
- Live Your Dream Awards, which provide financial support for female heads-of-household engaged in vocational or higher education to achieve financial stability for themselves and their families.
- Young Women Making a Difference Awards, which provide financial assistance to high school girls who volunteer and the non-profit organizations they volunteer for.

Member Involvement
Members of our chapter gather from September through June at monthly dinner meetings, typically on the second Tuesday of the month.
The work of the chapter is guided by a volunteer Board of Directors and accomplished through committees. Members are expected to serve on at least one committee. Members also participate in Project Hope and Power, by facilitating class sessions or by providing childcare for the children of those women who are taking part.
Members also provide hands-on assistance for various community projects and events throughout the year.
The Saratoga chapter’s primary source of financial support for its educational and scholarship programs is the annual Secret Gardens Tour. A committee organizes the event and club members assist on the day of the tour.
Interested in learning more?
Go to our contact page, indicate you are interested in learning more about membership, and a member of our Growth & Development Committee will reach out to you.
How we empower women & girls
Live Your Dream Award
Soroptimist's Live Your Dream Awards program is a unique education award for women who provide the primary financial support for their families. The Live Your Dream Awards give women the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects.
Dream IT BE IT
Career Support for Girls.
Gives girls the tools they need to achieve their education and career goals.